Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Years to one and all

Here it is 2009. I cannot believe as you become older how the years just do fly by. I have found myself, think back at last year. We have had so many things in our world that is so negative. But I believe we need to look at what we all can be so thankfully for.

I am truly thankfully for my family, my health, and the facts that I have so much.
I have food to eat, a warm home to live in, and the love and support of others.
I have a job to go to, and I don't have to worry about trying to find one.
I live in a country that I can be free and live the type of life I would like.

I have so much, and should remember when things look bad, I need to reflex on what good things I have, and the negative will go away. We all forget what we have and should feel blessed with it, because there is so many that have less.

May peace be with you and your family today, and all the days to come

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